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Iris didn't need an explanation. He gently pushed her against the apartment wall, taking note of how relaxed she was becoming. She would let him do anything to her. His body instantly responded, the logic of it all slipping away with the start of a flexing down into his groin. She didn't even hide her wide eyes, her eager body reacting to the joy and pleasure she knew only he could give her. She reached for his tie, gently tugging on it until it fell to the ground. He began to slowly slide his hands up her shirt, just to have her push them back down. Giggling softly, she ran down the hall to the bedroom, knowing that he would chase her. She loved to be chased. She let out a burst of laughter, hearing his heavy footfalls on the cherry wooden floor, and elevated breathing while he chased her. She made it just in time to jump on the bed before he could snake his arms around her waist. "Hi," she welcomed him breathlessly and playfully. "You so did not win," he said climbing on the bed.. “I come in all the time. One of my little kinks is I like to sit at the front of the class, put my feet up on a couple of chairs, and fuck myself with a fistful of pencils, and pretend I’ve got a class-full of students watching me. I come in to do my work, and I end up wanking myself off two or three times then going home exhausted. Teaching isn’t exhausting – fantasy is!”We arrive at her class and she unlocks that door, letting us in. Cameras are set up and sound equipment prepared whilst Pamela crouches infront of Bruno and makes friends with lots of head rubbing and face licking – at first it’s just him licking her face, but after a couple of slops, she starts to lick back – his tongue, his nose ... Then the two of them fighting over who can use their tongue the most. He wins. She laughs.What do you think of Bruno here?“He’s a very big boy ... He feels so strong too ... This could be more fun than I thought it would be!”Are you looking forward to it?“Oh fuck yeah!” She laughs, as.
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